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Writer's pictureTabassum

Hey- What's in your bag?

June and July months of peak summers and vacation time.

Students graduating and would soon plan for further studies.

A few months back, at Expo Dubai I saw loads of students, in their Graduation robes, capturing pictures at the site. Aww, the insane excitement loaded in their bags.

If I take a bird’s eye view- life seems to be divided into 3 phases and some transition phases to merge the three

  1. Childhood or pre-puberty phase

  2. Adolescence and adulthood or the fertile phase

  3. Menopause or post-fertility phase

What is noteworthy, is that, as we transition from one phase to another, the things that we carry in our bag/ purse/ backpack (however you name them) keep changing significantly.

A young girl’s bag would be filled with sparkle pens, lip balm, moisturizer, hair bands, some candies or chocolates, prized possession or gifts from their loved ones, or coins for ice creams.

As they grow older, into being electrifying teenagers and adults, their choices change. You may find sanitary pads, goggles, sunblock, lipstick, car keys, mobile phones, perfumes, hand creams, mirrors, comb, and wet wipes. Though it’s a carefree age, girls these days are very well informed when it comes to their wellness.

Now, try thinking about what may happen, when the menopause transition takes place. A few things from adulthood can be easily left behind- especially the sanitary napkin would find less room in it. The basics of goggles, keys, and mobiles, remaining constant, aging may bring comorbidities and medicines quietly slips into the bag.

So, before any unwanted stuff slips in, my suggestion to all ladies- perimenopausal or menopausal, would be to add the following to their bag, without any further ado:

  • A hand fan/ silk fan or Japanese fan: This would come in handy anytime the Hot flush decides to emerge in the middle of nowhere. These days, we also have battery-powered small fans available.

  • A good sunblock with moisturizing properties. My favorite is Cetaphil (check

  • A handful of nuts for a supply of Omega 3 and proteins.

  • Calcium and Vitamin D (Fitaminat has a wide variety in their Vitabalans range)

  • Black Cohosh (Remifemin at Fitaminat): Ladies world over vouch for it, to alleviate their menopausal symptoms

So ladies, get packing, your vacation is calling you.

Before I conclude today, I would gently like to remind you, that if you have been enjoying my


please give me a cheer at @doctabu (IG) or @tabu.inamdar (FB). Also share with me, what’s exactly in your bag?


About the blogger:

Dr. Tabassum Inamdar is a dynamic Homoeopath, a passionate artist, and anadventurer in life. From Medical corporate to Academics, she has well balanced her leftbrain and right brain with equal passion for Art. She writes a series of Blogs “No pauseat menopause” in collaboration with A sketch artist since herchildhood, she is enchanted by theatre and writing. She has been a regular theatreperformer in Dubai. She continues life’s adventure by trekking, Sky diving, ormarshaling at Formula 1 tracks. You may stalk her on Instagram @doctabu or sayhello on FB @tabu.inamdar

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