We atMenopause, are all about the taste and the waist! Fiber is an essential nutrient, especially during Menopause. However, we end up either punishing ourselves with fad diets or by eating plain tasteless food, but this granola is here to change it all. Rich in fibers, the ingredients in this granola will not only enhance your fiber intake but will also add to the Vitamins and Minerals essential for building immunity, managing your weight, and keeping your heart healthy. Studies have also shown that fibers may be associated with less depression during menopause as well as other menopause symptoms.

This granola is so versatile, you can mix it with greek yogurt to make a parfait or even top it on your desserts for the extra crunch.
Ladies, get your spatulas ready!
5 Cups Rolled Oats
½ Cup Cashews (Raw)
½ Cup Sunflower Seeds (Deshelved)
½ Cup Shredded Coconut
½ Cup Rapeseed Oil
½ Cup Sesame Seeds
¾ Cups of WildCape Manuka Honey
2 Tbsp Kiva Maca Powder
Preheat oven at 200 o F.
Mix all the dry ingredients together.
Add Honey and Syrup to the Dry mixture.
Spread it out on a baking sheet over a tray and bake it for 1 hr.
Cool and store in jars!
You can top this Granola mixture over your favourite desserts or mix in a few raisins to make a snack. Wherever your mood maybe makes this your gut health booster your staple during Menopause.
Bon Appétit!